Matt Myers Blog

Online Marketing

Google Indexing Pages Weekly


Take the time to write copy that is descriptive and includes good keyword/keyphrase density. Create page titles and include metadata that the google bots can easily crawl and create a directory structure that includes the keywords you're seeking to optimize.

It's amazing with the sheer number of ...

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Matt Myers Facebook Results for Matt Myers Facebook Blog Article


Writing about Matt Myers Facebook queries does improve Google search engine results for "Matt Myers Facebook", a fairly popular search on my name. Two weeks ago I wrote a brief blog article wondering if it would help, noting that I didn't come up remotely close to coveted page one ...

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matt myers on facebook


As many are occasionally prone to do, I just Googled myself. When typing "matt myers", Google started matching related queries. You pretty quickly find out who shares your name and in which industries they work. There's Matt Myers known for tobacco reform, Matt Myers the surfer, Matt Myers the ...

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Microsoft Bing Launches to Fanfare


Microsoft launched Bing, in hopes that a cleaner, more intuitive interface will help it gain search share. I think the key is that the social media craze that is taking the world by storm is not going unnoticed be either Google or Microsoft. What Bing does best is acquire feedback ...

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Being Social is a Must


Social is too big to ignore anymore. The Center for Media research recently announced:
• 105 million Americans contribute to social media
• Social networking has grown 93% since 2006
• 7 million Americans are "heavy" social media contributors (6+ activities) who connect with 248 people on a ‘one to many' basis in ...

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When Will Google Charge for Organic Listings?


Every time I look at Google’s earnings, P/E multiple and the products it continues to try to spawn from Google Labs, I always end up thinking the same thing. This is an amazing search company that created some really cool other products that have yet to make any ...

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This feed contains blog articles from, an Internet consultancy, focused on creating measurable client results through: online marketing, email marketing and website development.

I have known Matt since high school and we've always remained close. The qualities that make him a great and lifelong friend (honesty, genuineness, enthusiasm, his keen mind and an equally keen sense of humor) are the same qualities that he brings to his work.

William Mott
Manager Europe - Mid and Large Cars, Opel